
Trump has repeatedly stated his intent to cut funding to schools teaching about racial and LGBTQ+ issues, and to implement “strict prohibitions” on teaching this subject matter. The 1619 curriculum aims to engage students with the ingrained history of racism in the United States by starting a study of history with the year that enslaved Africans first arrived in the American colonies.

American Academy of Pediatrics

The American Academy of Pediatrics issued a policy statement in 2018 supporting a gender-affirmative care model, this statement was reaffirmed in 2023 and is being updated.

American Medical Association

The American Medical Association has already established its opposition to restrictions on gender-affirming care, stating in 2021 “Gender-affirming care is medically-necessary, evidence-based care that improves the physical and mental health of transgender and gender-diverse people.”

Cheney is the most well known among dozens of political prisoners who have been arrested after challenging Trump

Trump has named a long list of political rivals, judges, and others as deserving of criminal charges or execution. If he returns to office, one likely Department of Justice appointee is Mike Davis, who has stated his desire to “rain hell on Washington,” indicting Joe Biden and his family members, pardoning all January 6th offenders, and firing many executive branch staff. Trump has a track record of using “acting” appointments to fast-track loyalists like Davis into positions of power.

downloading all the government’s research on climate

In January 2017, in the last days before Donald Trump took office, I witnessed the work of one group of volunteers coordinating with a nationwide “hackathon” to duplicate and preserve EPA data. Volunteer archivists, librarians, and computer scientists worked to retrieve government data such as ice core data from NOAA, several years of air quality results from the EPA, and a detailed map of the factories and power plants emitting the most carbon.

Finding Steady Ground

The Finding Steady Ground project proposes seven daily or weekly steps we can take to support our mental well-being, resilience, and effectiveness in resistance, as well as additional writings and resources.

Like much of the government, staffing of the EPA has been gutted

Trump’s second-term plans include “systematically dismantling” the EPA, including its staff, budget, and regulatory power. Reduced staff at the EPA could be one outcome of the plan to use Schedule F to allow Trump to fire tens of thousands of government employees at will.

order the military to clear the streets

Trump has signaled that he will again seek to use the Insurrection Act to suppress domestic dissent and violence, primarily in Democratic-run cities and states. Work on this plan would be led by Jeffrey Clark, and is likely to include draft executive orders. The proposal is an “immediate priority” of Project 2025. Clark and his associates have drafted plans to potentially invoke the Insurrection Act on Trump’s first day in office, in order to police any public protests.

Schedule F

Schedule F is an executive order, first proposed in 2020, that would change the status of tens of thousands of government workers, making them political appointees who could be fired and replaced with Trump loyalists at will. Trump has promised to reissue this order and use this power aggressively for purges based on “Deep State” conspiracy theories.

screened for their loyalty to President Trump

As part of his Agenda 47 plan , released in 2023, Trump has promised to “clean out corrupt actors,” replacing them with appointees vetted for loyalty to Trump. The use of Schedule F to reclassify and fire executive branch employees has also been identified as “key” by Project 2025.


ShutDownDC and Beautiful Trouble are two of many organizations working to support strategic and effective approaches to direct action and educate activists.

Stephen Zunes

Dr. Stephen Zunes is a professor of Politics and International studies and a scholar of U.S. Middle East policy and of strategic nonviolent action. You can view a video covering these three points here.

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