It’s hard work, but people across the nation want to do something to stand up for democracy. National organizers pull together a one-minute national strike. At 12 noon EST, all work is to be temporarily stopped for one minute. Doctors go on breaks. Transit halts across the country. Truck drivers pull off to the side of the road. Where you are, people don’t join as much as you’d hoped. But when you watch videos of people frozen while walking down the street, it does your heart good. You realize you are not alone.

The opposition media smears your efforts. But too many people participated themselves or at least knew people who were participants in the one-minute action — the media attacks don’t convince anyone but die-hard MAGA. The strike strengthens mainstream institutions, like the military, which now actively purges coup supporters. Emboldened, the national Strike Committee announces plans for a longer, 15-minute strike in the next week — with plans to ramp up toward a full general strike if necessary.

The threats of a full strike aren’t needed. Boosted by the widespread strikes and ensuing protests in the streets, the military apparatus, President Biden, and President-elect Harris regain full control of the National Guard. Thousands are arrested, including many National Guard members and police. The situation remains extremely tense, with continued reports of targeted violence. On January 20th, President Harris is inaugurated. The coup never won legitimacy and has been averted. Donald Trump’s court cases catch up with him and he is imprisoned. But the work of creating a much stronger, robust democracy remains.


You survived the transfer of power. But creating a deep democracy is a much bigger task ahead. Researcher Stephen Zunes has identified four things we need to stop a coup: widespread opposition, nonviolent discipline (to avoid giving the wanna-be autocrat excuses for more violence), alliance building, and refusal to recognize the coup plotters as legitimate.

Read Closing Thoughts from the author.