ICE Shoots Three in Standoff with Immigrants

What started as a typical Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raid turned deadly after a standoff in San Diego. The raid was carried out under Trump’s “Operation Clean Up,” which shut off Title 42 to end asylum for immigrants, reinstated family separations on the border, and announced a plan for the sweeping mass deportation of undocumented Latin Americans from the U.S. “We heard about a house full of illegals, and we went to remove them,” said an ICE official.

Neighbors who found out about the raid allegedly stood outside the apartment and confronted ICE. San Diego County is a “sanctuary city” with a policy against police collaboration with ICE. ICE convinced the Texas governor to order the Texas Army National Guard across the border and into California. More neighbors came through the night — 200 people in all. One immigrant in the house spoke through a translator, “I’ve lived here for 26 years. I pay my taxes and have raised three kids here. I’m a friend, not a combatant.”

Late in the night, an unidentified agent scuffled with neighbors before pulling out their firearm and firing at least six times. Three people were injured and are expected to recover. Police arrived and successfully ordered ICE and the National Guard away. The crowd dispersed. Neighbors report the immigrants are now finding a safe new home via the Underground Railroad.

No arrests have been made. Stephen Miller, the acting head of ICE, defended his policy. “A nation without borders is not a nation.” Through a network of veteran families, several retired Army generals urged the National Guard not to be politicized this way. “We are not Immigration Enforcement. We protect the American population to live in safety.” A civic group who had plans around the corner is calling for a national Constitutional Convention and said, “This is a tragedy. We need honest debates on our policies — neighbors shouldn’t need to risk their lives when policies are so out of step with the public wishes.” The group is organizing towns across the country to host conventions to debate changes to the Constitution, including changing our immigration policies. The new date for their convention is next week.