You’re sitting at home idly wondering when the election will finally be over when an alert pops up on your phone: Kamala Harris has been elected. she won the Electoral College and the popular vote by a very narrow margin. The margins in three states are within 15,000 votes.

You scroll through the news wondering if Trump will concede. He does not. He puts on social media, “KAMALA IS AN ILLEGAL CANDIDATE! EVERYONE knows I won by the bigggest margin ever! FIGHT TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY! STOP THE STEAL!” Days later, a few ballot-counting stations engaged in long-shot recounts are surrounded by angry mobs of Trump supporters. In Philadelphia and Madison, unexploded pipe bombs are found.

You watch things heat up. There are open calls for alternative electors to go to D.C. and cast their votes for Trump. President-elect Kamala Harris, still acting as Vice President, makes clear she will not seat any of Trump’s fake electors. Large riots of Trump supporters break out sporadically around the state capitals of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada. Right-wing militias threaten to overtake state legislative buildings. Trump posts on social media: “January 6. Be wildER.”