You organize your crew of people to head back into the streets. Though people are scared, you already showed them they can show up to face counter-protestors. This time it is not hard at all to find people willing to join you. Thousands join.

You have long arguments on the question of location. Eventually, people decide for tactical reasons that they will not directly engage the MAGA protestors. Instead, your aim is to contrast their behavior with yours. So you don’t go directly to the Capitol, but instead go to a city square. You have a carnival-like atmosphere, with bubbles and street dancers. The images go viral.

When your protest is over, you have shown a family-friendly, pro-democracy event in contrast to the angry, armed insurrectionists. Some people from your protest go that evening to confront the MAGA protestors. But the story has been set in people’s minds: The pro-democracy side is family friendly, while the anti-democracy side is violent and insurrectionist.

Harris and Biden order the National Guard to clear the state capitals. Trump explicitly urges the National Guard and police to “disobey Lyin' Kamala.” He adds: “Lyin' Kamala’s a thief. DON’T LET HER GET AWAY WITH STEALING YOUR COUNTRY!!!”