You arrive at a meeting packed with a wide range of groups, including poll workers and others at the election’s front lines. Fundraising committees come promising money if a meaningful plan is found.

People came because they saw what tax resistance had accomplished: tens of thousands of people and businesses collectively withholding over $500 million from government coffers. Movement leaders say, “And we need to just keep getting bigger — next year we can double this.” They lay out a plan…but, based on its reception by the group, you can tell it’s not gonna fly.

People complain that another year of Trump feels interminable. “He is securing his position to stay in power for a third term,” argues one. “Look what he’s doing to the auto industry — he’ll kill U.S. auto.”

Normally, it’s wise to stay focused on your strategy. But you realize this is a special moment. Having a good strategy is key — and knowing when to bend is also important. You think this is one of those moments.

You reconsider your choice.

Maybe it is time to back the EV industry.