You arrive at a meeting packed with a wide range of groups, including citizen scientists sending their info to the EPA, multiple national unions and mutual aid groups, people organizing veteran families, members of the Tax Resistance Movement, and leaders of the United Auto Workers (UAW).

Everyone quiets as a leader in the Tax Resistance Movement who is facing 10 years of prison time stands up. “We’ve all seen how Trump is threatening to shut down EV plants. His order is anti-Constitution. It’s anti-environment. It’s anti-union and anti-business. It works against the livelihoods of our brothers and sisters in the EV industry. But it provides us an opportunity because it’s very much an overreach. He’s gotten too cocky and thinks he can get away with anything.”

A strategic plan unfolds: The movement is going to shift intense resources to counter Trump’s overreach. Some groups don’t have direct connections to the issue — but they can see that when an autocratic leader overreaches, it is time to pounce. UAW plans occupy the EV factories — and keep them running despite Trump’s order to shut them down. You agree to drive to Michigan plants and provide some support to the occupying workers.