You arrive at a meeting packed with a wide range of different groups, including poll workers and others at the election’s front lines. Leaders from the mainstream Constitutional Convention come with an updated Defector’s Pledge after results from the 900+ cities that participated in their local conventions.

You watch a member of the Paperclip Movement lead the meeting. “Tens of thousands have signed a pledge to resist any orders that go against the Constitution. Now, with Trump saying he wants to stay in power, it’s time to act decisively. Eric Trump all but admits he’s running ‘in name only.’ We need to focus our energy on free and fair elections.”

You see some unhappy faces. Not everyone thinks this will work. Others are frustrated that the movement is “leaving out other issues.” But you see the wisdom. Election workers report that Trump is trying to implement voter restrictions and undermine the process to make it stealable. Direct action is going to be needed. Election workers are going to have to resist orders — especially as Trump is threatening to use the National Guard to “ensure the election is fair.”

The meeting concludes with a game plan: Election insiders will go “all in” to support a free and fair election — no matter what orders are made — and the rebel wing of the movement will hold a series of protests up to and after election day.