You spend your time making a list of groups you are connected with who are ready to resist Trump’s policies. You connect to national groups working on legal defense of the election, like Protect Democracy. You then turn to disobedience groups like The Disruption Project and ShutDownDC.

You call around to identify local groups and find a range of small, often under-resourced groups and nodes — like the local chapters of NAACP, Indivisible, and People’s Action. You research training and scenario planning about what might happen and pass it around some of these local groups.
You remind groups what is coming. It will be chaotic. Many groups will be under attack. You tell people to stay calm. They are going to have to stick up for other groups — even when it doesn’t affect them personally. And not just support each other on social media, but really bond and prepare.

Knowing others are out there who share your values, you feel better. You don’t feel fully ready, but you feel better.