You decide to adapt a process from Quakers called a “Clearness Committee.” The idea is to listen deeply as people think through life choices to help them assess what their calling is in this moment. No advice — just listening. So you gather trusted friends and elders in your home.

Each person shares for about 15 minutes. It’s going to be chaos. I’m so worried for my children. I don’t want to do endless marches — we have to actually stop him. You can see people’s tendency to self-protect — even though you believe that to make it, we’ll have to stick our necks out for each other. Then people take turns asking questions to dig deeper: What are you willing to risk? What’s important to you about doing that? Who do you need to be connected with? What do you need to carry that out?
You name your own and each other’s skills and offerings. You have a gift for fundraising for causes. I really love talking to people in crisis. You sure are good at inspiring people to take bold action. You feel a little lighter and have some concrete options to consider. Knowing you have the backing of your community, you feel a little clearer.